Claudio Dionisi young designer

Claudio Dionisi young designer

The young talents are not lacking in Isola delle Femmine, but often no one knows them. Claudio Dionisi is one of them: twenty-one years old, graduated from art school, since his early age he was engaged in the design and dreams to realize an exhibition of his works in a famous art gallery.

He is currently unemployed but receives many requests from people who want to be portrayed by him. While waiting for his dream become a reality, we want to let everyone know about his works.

Below the gallery with his best works.

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[Voti: 3    Media Voto: 5/5]


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Ha conseguito la laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza con lode presso l'Università degli Studi di Palermo. Ha scritto un romanzo storico, "Societas", edito da BookSprint Edizioni. Scrive sul blog di informazione online "Il giornale di Isola", ha collaborato con "L'ora", con il giornale online "MasterLex", con "IoStudioNews", Tv7 Partinico e Tgs.
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