Nobody must remain alone

Nobody must remain alone

It happened again in Isola delle Femmine: an elderly woman who lived alone in the city center has been found dead in his home, a few days after her death, in the trash and rats. This is the second case in less than a year. Last November, in fact, another woman, 56 years old, died of natural causes and, since she lived alone in the house, nobody noticed his absence. When the police entered the house, they found a harrowing scene: the woman had been dead for at least two months and was in an advanced state of decomposition.

In a moment of deep crisis in which Italy is found, among the most affected there are the elderly people. The OCSE, precisely today, has recorded an increase of the disparity in the distribution of the income and a further increase of the poverty. The elderly ones represent the weak ring of our society: first exploited and then abandoned.

It also happens to Isola delle Femmine that someone lives alone in misery and dies alone, forgotten by all. But in a community, in our community, no one should be alone, should not happen that someone close his eyes without anyone worried about him.

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